January 2007 E-Update

Angie Velasco


Happy New Year!


As I look back at 2006 I am amazed at God’s grace and how He powerfully demonstrated His love and faithfulness to me all year.


Here are my 2006 Highlights:


January – While attending a Calvary Chapel missions conference I met a pastor who produces Spanish Bible study materials, Cds and cassettes for Latin America.  He has given me free Bible study materials, Cd’s and cassettes which I have been able to use in Cuernavaca.  Praise the Lord (PTL) for His provision of Bible study materials!


February – The Lord raised up new financial supporters to enable me to return to Mexico for my second term as a missionary.  PTL for His hand moving hearts for people to give!


March – The Lord gave me the opportunity to do a weekend medical outreach in San Simon, Mexico with a group called World Indigenous Missions (WIN).  PTL for allowing me to meet & work with other missionaries in Mexico!


April – The Lord provided the money and the health to go to a missions trip in Honduras.  I interpreted for the evangelism team with Crossroads Community Church.  PTL for the many people who heard the gospel and responded positively!


May – The Lord enabled me to help out with our Zocalo (downtown) Cuernavaca evangelism outreach.  PTL we had many opportunities to share the gospel with many children!


June – I got sick with infectious diseases but in the process the Lord used my illness to bring my doctor’s nurse to Himself.  PTL for His wonderful way of using all life’s circumstances for His glory!


July – I was privileged to host a ladies’ breakfast and give a short message challenging the ladies to give thanks in all circumstances.  This was my first time to give a message in Spanish.  PTL for His continuing help & enabling in language fluency!


August – I was diagnosed with an endocrine problem and needed a good endocrinologist.  A missionary friend in another state of Mexico recommended one.  PTL for His provision of an endocrinologist!


September – I am part of a weekly Friday prayer meeting and see many answers to prayers like employment, restoration of marriages, physical healing and many more.  PTL for hearing our prayers!


October – My missionary visa was approved after many trips to the Mexican immigration and much paper work.  PTL for His provision of a Mexican Calvary Chapel lawyer to help me go through the mysterious and myriad process of obtaining a missionary visa!


November – Unexpected prolonged trip to Chicago but the doctors and dentists were able to get to the root of my medical problems.  The Lord blessed me with good doctors, dentists, “home” in Chicago, train passes, minivan to drive, sweaters to use in the Chicago winter, precious time with my home church in Chicago and holiday time with family!


December – Fun time caroling with Chicago International E. Free church.  I had a blast going around different homes and singing Christmas carols!  What a blessing to spread the joy of Christmas to an international community in Chicago.  PTL for the birth of our Savior!


I hope your 2006 was just as blessed as mine and that you too are looking forward to how God will show Himself faithful in 2007.


Have a great one!


Angie Velasco