December 2006 Email Update

Angie Velasco


I believe in Divine Appointments.  I believe the Lord puts us in specific places at specific times for His glory and for His purposes.


I have been in Chicago now for the last four weeks.  I've been undergoing all kinds of Xrays, blood tests, medical & dental examinations and procedures.  To date, the doctors have found two ongoing infections and have started treatment.


I was at a dental chair last Monday waiting for the numbing injection when a Hispanic looking lady came in.  She asked how I was and I said, "I am scared".  They were getting ready to do my root canal.  As it turns out the lady (dental assistant) is from Ecuador and I started speaking Spanish to her.  We developed an instant rapport because of the common language we speak.  In the few minutes we had the Lord gave me the opportunity to direct her to many Spanish websites where she can download Bible study materials.  Someone had already started sharing the gospel with her and had given her Bible study materials to read.  She said she has read portions of the Bible and is reading the guide that a friend had given her.


For the next 45 minutes the dentist worked on my teeth and obviously I could not keep talking about the Lord to his assistant.


In the end, I gave her my contact info and several Christian Spanish websites.


As I walked to my vehicle, it blew me away  that the Lord would take me out of Cuernavaca, Mexico to help water the seed that had been planted in this woman's heart whom He brought from Ecuador and allowed me to meet in Chicago.  Isn't He great?


Have a wonderful Christmas!




Lam. 3:22,23 "El amor del Señor no tiene fin, ni se han agotado sus bondades.  Cada mañana se renuevan; qué grande es su fidelidad!"   Lam 3:22,23