August 2008 E-Update
If there are words to describe the month of July, I would
call it my “Red Sea”
Remember in the book of Exodus, when the Israelites came to
the Red Sea. There was no way to move on. God opened a way. He dried the Red
Sea, divided it, and created walls from sea water so
that His people could pass. What a
Let me tell you my “Red Sea”
In early June, my Mexican doctors said I needed surgery to
have a cyst removed behind my left cheek bone.
They thought this was causing my daily headaches. I was desperate to have the headaches go away
so I thought… “Whatever it takes, please take the headaches away!”
I remember emailing a friend saying… “There is neither money
for the surgery, nor money to fly to Chicago nor any
money to see expensive doctors there.
But… we have a God who does impossible things. He opened the Red
Sea, got Jonah out of the fish, held the sun still
for Joshua to win the battle, and certainly resurrected Jesus from the tomb on
the third day! Let us see what He will
do here.”
This is what the God of the Red
Sea did:
- He
provided me wise counsel which helped me decide to come to Chicago
for a second opinion.
- He
opened the way (like He did in the Red Sea) for me to fly to Chicago first class (first time
in my life) through a friend that attends my Bible studies in Cuernavaca. She got me a buddy pass with United
- My
internist in Chicago
said the cyst is not the cause of my headaches and to leave the cyst
alone. My muscle contractions on my
shoulders are causing my headaches and that I need aggressive physical
therapy to get rid of the headaches.
- He
opened a way (like He did in the Red Sea) for me to see one of the best ear, nose and throat (ENT)
doctors in the Chicago
land area. These specialists are
very busy and usually take a month or two to see them. I saw this ENT
doctor on a week’s notice. He gave
me his expert medical advice. “This
cyst is not obstructing your sinus 100%, usually benign, does not cause
hemorrhage and if it is not growing we leave them alone. This is definitely not the cause of your
daily headaches.” I thought the God
of the Red Sea dried my Red Sea
when I found out from an expert that I won’t need surgery after all!!!
- He
opened a way (like He did in the Red Sea)
for me to receive physical therapy (through church friends) to relieve the
muscle contractions on my shoulders therefore decreasing the frequency of
my headaches.
I serve the God of the Red
Sea! He opened
a way (provided everything I needed to receive expert medical advice and
treatment) and dried my Red Sea
(not needing surgery after all).
I hope you too, are having a similar “Red Sea” experience this summer.
I plan to be in the Portland-Vancouver area from August
11-25th to have a garage sale on August 16 of all my belongings
which have been sitting in different garages for three and a half years
now. If you happen to have any of my
belongings kindly bring them to Eileen
McGowan’s house before August 16. She lives on 17611 SE 22nd St
Vancouver, WA 98683. Her phone no. is 360-260-7162. If you have time to help me with the garage
sale please let me know. All proceeds
from the garage sale will go to our missionary in Nepal.
Have a great summer everyone! As always, I would not be in Cuernavaca or Chicago without your love, prayers and
support. Thank you!