April 2005 E-mail Update


Dear Joanne:

Do you remember our mission trip to Kino - April 2003?  Do you remember how everyday that week the Lord powerfully demonstrated His power to draw people to Himself?  Do you remember that woman whose husband died and how w/o a doubt the Lord directed our steps to her store and how we were all crying after she prayed the sinner’s prayer? How can we forget that alcoholic in Calle Doce and after you powerfully shared your testimony he and his mom prayed to receive the Lord?

April 2003 was a turning point in my life because the Lord showed me how much more there is to life if I give myself 100% to His service.

Joanne, for months after that mission trip I was on a spiritual high because I knew the Lord made me for evangelism.

Two years later April 2005, now in Cuernavaca I am still convinced of His call on my life.

I have been in Cuernavaca for 7 weeks for my intensive Spanish courses and amazingly I am on that same spiritual high this evening.  The Lord once again is opening the doors for me to share the gospel on the campus of Universidad Internacional (Uninter) through my 2-hour conversation lessons.  Everyday for 7 more weeks I have 3 hours of Spanish grammar, 1 hour of Mexican culture and 2 hours of Spanish conversation.

For the first 2 weeks of my conversation lessons I was really bored because the conversation leader was just asking, how's the weather questions.  I suggested reading the Bible and discussing the passages to the program coordinator and to my surprise he agreed.

Imagine the conversation leader (not a Christian) leading the Bible reading!!!!  We would read a passage, stop because there are a few old Spanish words that I don't understand, we would go on then stop again, this time because this time Edith (leader) is asking me what the passage mean?

Joanne, not only am I learning Spanish, I am also learning how to articulate my faith in Spanish!!!!! Isn’t God great???  And Edith is hearing the word of God from a missionary intern!!!!  The word of God is powerful, active and like a 2-edged sword.  I have no doubt God is stirring Edith's life on a spiritual journey to get to know Him.

Let us pray that the April 2005 mission trip to Kino this coming week will also be life changing to the ones participating.  Pray for Edith to come to know the Lord as we read and discuss the Bible passages.

As always, thank you for your partnership!